Manage Your Healthcare Assets

Locate, control, and protect your healthcare assets with Pycube solutions.

Modular Platform for Multiple Use Cases
Managing Healthcare Assets

Locate medical assets quickly and easily - asset management
User Definable Workflows for tracking medical assets - asset management
handheld reader to tag healthcare assets - asset management
Real time analytics for tracking medical assets - asset management

Improved Visibility

Assets can be quickly and easily located. Catch those assets before they leave the door.

User Definable Workflows

Lets you define what you need to find from assets for special procedures to rental assets.

Power in Your Palm

Use the handheld reader to tag, collect, and disposition assets simply and easily.

Live Dashboards

No reports needed when dashboards show your real-time analytics on our Web Application.


Passive RFID tags for medical assets
Finds Your Assets
Improves Productivity of Workforce
Low Cost to Implement and Maintain
Where Active Tags Fall Short, Passive Tags Seamlessly Step In

– Reduces the time needed to maintain a system with no batteries

– Location update without degradation of battery life

– No need for battery replacement FTE

– No need to collect the device for the purpose of changing a battery

– Cables

– Tele-Boxes

– Instruments

– Pumps

– O2 sensors

– Specimens

– Tag in seconds

– Simple infrastructure

– User-friendly software

– User utilization

– Workflow compliance

All the Infrastructure in Your Hand

Rather than set up devices throughout your hospital to help locate assets, carry it with you in a small handheld device that can power up the tag and read it at the same time.


Use the handheld reader to precisely sniff out where that asset is hiding.


Not only can you find the asset you seek, but Pycube’s Handheld Reader also updates the locations of 100s of other assets in range to build a location history.


Pycube solutions Streamline tracking, managing, and retrieving medical equipment

Asset Location

Streamlines tracking, managing, and retrieving equipment, including specific, recalled, departmental, and rental assets, with precise location capabilities.

  Helps users locate equipment

  Ad-hoc or based on a pre-defined list

  Facilitates the distribution of work

  Precise location

– Locate specific Equipment not due for PM

– Build a list for Recalled Asset Collection

– As A Clinical Department Manager, Find the equipment that belongs to me/my department

– Locate Rental Assets that may no longer be in use


pycube solutions help locate equipment due for preventative maintenance

Preventative Maintenance

Streamlines equipment upkeep by facilitating location tracking status updates for collection and usage, optimizing collection efforts, and enabling CMMS data exchange.

  Helps users locate equipment due for preventive maintenance

  Allows user to update status of Collected and In-Use

  Helps you plan and distribute collection efforts

  CMMS data exchange

pycube solutions Ensures asset security by highlighting misplaced assets

Asset Protection

Ensures asset security by highlighting misplaced assets (e.g., near trash, laundry, exits), aiding in inventory accuracy, loss prevention, and providing real-time financial impact insights.

  Provides visibility of assets at locations where they don’t belong, such as heading to:

  – The trash

  – Laundry

  – Back door

  – Visitor’s entrance

  Assists in providing an accurate inventory

  – Account for lost assets

  – Retrieve assets before lost

  Real time visibility of $$s lost/protected


Pycube solutions for asset tracking HIPAA compliant


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